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14/03/2009 10:19:49
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277.76 KB
1000 x 775 pixels
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P number: P526512
Caption: Specimen of Stancliffe sandstone, Stancliffe Quarry near Matlock, Derbyshire.
Description: Sample of Stancliffe sandstone from the building stone collection of the Edinburgh World Heritage Trust. The stone has a cut surface with a pale orange-buff colour. This specimen is of Carboniferous age. Edinburgh World Heritage Trust sample no. EWHT 65. Stancliffe stone has been used extensively in the Edinburgh New Town for repairs to the historic Georgian buildings. In general it is a medium to coarse-grained quartz-rich sandstone with a very pale orange to yellowish-grey colour. It is commonly coarse-grained with a gritty appearance and speckled with orange-brown iron oxide grains. Stancliffe stone has been used for a number of significant buildings throughout the United Kingdom including the Salvation Army Headquarters in Clyde Street Glasgow (1983), extensions to Liverpool Town Hall in 1899, the Main Post Office in Sheffield in 1907-09 and Derby County Offices in 1911.
Date taken: 25/06/1905
Photographer: Unknown
Copyright statement: Unknown
Orientation: Landscape
Size: 277.76 KB; 1000 x 775 pixels; 85 x 66 mm (print at 300 DPI); 265 x 205 mm (screen at 96 DPI);
Average Rating: Not yet rated
Categories: Unsorted Images  


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