P number: | P010092 |
Old photograph number: | D06138 |
Caption: | Black Hole, Tarlair, Banffshire. (Tarlair Tillite). Sedimentary structures in Dalradian metamorphic rocks (Macduff Slate Formation). |
Description: | Black Hole, Tarlair, Banffshire. (Tarlair Tillite). Sedimentary structures in Dalradian metamorphic rocks (Macduff Slate Formation). Axis of syncline comprising a major unit of lensing psammite beds containing rare large clasts of coarsely crystalline quartzite quartzofeldspathic gneiss and undifferentiated metaigneous rocks that rest on a prominent diamictite containing numerous pebbles and small clasts. N.B. Large erratic embedded in the psammite unit (under man's left boot). The Macduff Slate Formation is c. 1700 m. thick and is overall a fine-grained, turbidite facies with slump deposits. Boulders and pebbles of igneous and metamorphic origin derived from outside the depositional basin have been interpreted as resulting from ice-rafting though the evidence is not conclusive. The detail of such an erratic is seen in D06139. |
Date taken: | 01/09/1996 |
Photographer: | McTaggart, F.I. |
Copyright statement: | NERC |
Acknowledgment: | This image was digitized with grant-in-aid from SCRAN the Scottish Cultural Resources Access Network |
X longitude/easting: | 371350 |
Y latitude/northing: | 864850 |
Coordinate reference system, ESPG code: | 27700 (OSGB 1936 / British National Grid) |
Orientation: | Landscape |
Size: | 327.21 KB; 1000 x 765 pixels; 85 x 65 mm (print at 300 DPI); 265 x 202 mm (screen at 96 DPI); |
Average Rating: | Not yet rated |
Categories: | Unsorted Images |
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