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14/02/2009 09:18:04
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452.38 KB
1000 x 789 pixels
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P number: P008124
Old photograph number: A12698
Caption: Forestry Road, Coed Bron-llangwrda, near Capel Bangor. Looking NW.
Description: Forestry Road, Coed Bron-llangwrda, near Capel Bangor. Looking NW. Lithologies in Upper Devil's Bridge Formation. Thin distal turbidite sandstones (1-3 cm. thick) interbedded with strongly fracture-cleaved mudstones dipping at 55 degrees to the west. The cleavage is approximately parallel to the bedding, producing the slaty fragment in the foreground. Both mudstones and sandstones are dark greyish in colour and characteristic of the Upper Devil's Bridge Formation.
Date taken: 01/01/1976
Photographer: Jeffery, C.J.
Copyright statement: NERC
Acknowledgment: This image was digitized with grant-in-aid from JIDI the JISC Image Digitization Initiative
X longitude/easting: 266540
Y latitude/northing: 280670
Coordinate reference system, ESPG code: 27700 (OSGB 1936 / British National Grid)
Orientation: Landscape
Size: 452.38 KB; 1000 x 789 pixels; 85 x 67 mm (print at 300 DPI); 265 x 209 mm (screen at 96 DPI);
Average Rating: Not yet rated
Categories: Unsorted Images  


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