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09/03/2009 11:01:31
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203.81 KB
1000 x 701 pixels
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P number: P208820
Old photograph number: A08898
Caption: View of the Lawley and the Welsh Borderland scenery from a viewpoint on Caer Caradoc, Church Stretton, Shropshire.
Description: Viewpoint, 1100 feet contour north-north-west of Caer Caradoc (northern end), Church Stretton. Looking north-north-east. The prominent conical hill is the Lawley consisting of Uriconian (Precambrian) lavas and tuffs and bounded on the west by the Church Stretton Fault, a complex structure of Caledonian age. The low ground extending to Shrewsbury is visible beyond. To the east Cambrian Quartzites dip east off the Lawley to be succeeded by Middle Cambrian rocks and Shineton Shales forming the depression beyond which the Wrekin appears in the distance. The escarpment and dip-slope in the centre of the picture is Hoar Edge composed of Caradoc (Ordovician) Hoar Edge Grit. Above that the Harnage Shale forming the low ground is flanked on the right of the picture by the escarpment of the Chatwall Sandstone - also of Caradoc age.
Date taken: 01/08/1953
Photographer: Rhodes, J.
Copyright statement: Crown
X longitude/easting: 348000
Y latitude/northing: 295900
Coordinate reference system, ESPG code: 27700 (OSGB 1936 / British National Grid)
Orientation: Landscape
Size: 203.81 KB; 1000 x 701 pixels; 85 x 59 mm (print at 300 DPI); 265 x 185 mm (screen at 96 DPI);
Average Rating: Not yet rated
Categories: Unsorted Images  


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