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03/03/2009 15:53:10
Digital Asset
File Size:
134.72 KB
624 x 1000 pixels
2103 views 3 downloads
P number: P680252
Caption: Hand drawn and coloured image of James Flanagan.
Description: Inscription from the mount as follows: James Flanagan. Fossil collector of the Geological Survey of Ireland, sketched in commemoration of the visit of Sir Roderick I Murchison to the Dingle (Kerry) 1856, by George V. Du Noyer.
Written across the lower part of the image in pencil is Ferriters Cove co. Kerry 9 September 1856.
This image is held in BGS library archives, Keyworth number GSM/IR/A/9. (Old number GSM 1/150).
Ferriters Cove is on sheet 171 of the old Irish six inch to a mile series. The names of DuNoyer and R.I. Murchison are mentioned on the map. Perhaps the drawing was made when the map was surveyed.
Date taken: 09/09/1856
Photographer: Unknown
Copyright statement: NERC
Orientation: Portrait
Size: 134.72 KB; 624 x 1000 pixels; 53 x 85 mm (print at 300 DPI); 165 x 265 mm (screen at 96 DPI);
Average Rating: Not yet rated
Categories: Special collections/ Artwork in the archive  


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