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08/12/2011 19:57:43
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106.29 KB
999 x 666 pixels
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P number: P775797
Caption: Genus: Strobili; Taxon: Plants: Gymnospermophyta; Locality: Wolverhampton. Microscope slide from the Sir Joseph D. Hooker Collection, BGS.
Copyright statement: NERC
Additional information: From Collection G: Carboniferous roof nodules from Yorkshire and Lancashire coalfields. This material is connected with J.D. Hooker and was published in his three part monograph on coal measure plants (Stigmaria, Lepidodendron, Lepidostrobus, Trigonocarpus) in volume 2 of the BGS memoirs (published in 1848). Many collectors are mentioned on the slides as follows: Mrs Henslow, Mr Binney, Mr Jukes, Miss Jukes, Mr Gray, Mr Cooper, Lt Stamford, Mr Wilson Galliard, Mr Birmingham, Mrs Cunningham, Mr Thornewick, Mr Smyth, Mr Larkin, Mrs Bristol
Orientation: Landscape
Size: 106.29 KB; 999 x 666 pixels; 85 x 56 mm (print at 300 DPI); 264 x 176 mm (screen at 96 DPI);
Average Rating: Not yet rated
Categories: Unsorted Images, Special collections/ Joseph D. Hooker collection of microscope slides  
Collection ID number: Palaeosaurus ID: PF 7575


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