Digital Asset : 326435
P number: | P732282 |
Caption: | Carboniferous fossil plants. Plate LIV. |
Description: |
Fig. 1. Rhacopteris inaequilatem Goppert sp. Basal portion of frond showing much divided pinnules. Locality. Shore about! mile N.N.E. of Kinghorn, Fife. Horizon. A short distance below Hurlet Limestone, Oil-Shale Group. Calciferous Sandstone Series. Natural size. Kidston Collection, No. 3072. Fig. 2. Rhacopteris inaequilatera Goppert Sp. Fragment of a frond showing lobed pinnules. Same locality and horizon as last specimen. Natural size. Kidston Collection, No. 3047. Fig. 3. Rhacopteris subcuneata Kidston. Fragment of frond. Locality. Lewis Burn, Barney's Cut, North Tynedale, Northumberland. Horizon. Correlated with the Scremerston Beds, Oil-Shale Group. Calciferous Sandstone Series. Natural size. Collection of Geological Survey, London, No. 14,767. Fig. 4. Rhacopteris subcuneata Kidston. Lower portion of a frond. Same locality and horizon as fig. 3. Natural size. Collection of Geological Survey, London, No. 14,766. Fig. 5. Diplotmema patentissirnum Ettingshausen sp. Fragment of a frond. Locality. Kirkbeck, 'White Line, Bewcastle, Cumberland. Horizon. Cementstone Group. Calciferous Sandstone Series. Natural size. Collection of Geological Survey, London, No. R. 2178. Fig. 6. Diplotrnema patentissirnum Ettingshausen sp. Small fragment of a pinna. Locality. Quarter of a mile south-east of Linkhead, Cockburnspath, Berwickshire. Horizon. Shale in sandstone overlying the Linkhead Limestone, Oil-Shale Group. Calciferous Sandstone Series. Natural size. Collection of Geological Survey, Edinburgh, No. M. 3762E. Fig. 7. Rhacopteris Geikie Kidston. Portion of a frond. Locality. Glencartholm, River Esk, Eskdale, Dumfriesshire. Horizon. Base of Lawston and Muirburn Coals, correlated with Scremerstcn Coals, Oil-Shale Group. Calciferous Sandstone Series. Natural size. Collection of British Museum. Fig. 8. Rhacopteris Geikiei Kidston. Pinnule from another specimen, enlarged to show the probable arrangement of the veins. Same locality and horizon as last specimen. Fig. 9. Rhacopteris inaequilatera Goppert sp. Pinnules enlarged two times to show arrangement of the veins. Locality. Dean's No. 2 Pit, 3/4 mile north of Livingston Railway Station, and 3 miles east of Bathgate, Linlithgowshire. Horizon. Dunnet Shale, Oil-Shale Group. Calciferous Sandstone Series. Kidston Collection, No. 3309. |
Photographer: | Kidston, R. |
Copyright statement: | NERC |
Orientation: | Portrait |
Size: | 233.10 KB; 818 x 1000 pixels; 69 x 85 mm (print at 300 DPI); 216 x 265 mm (screen at 96 DPI); |
Average Rating: | Not yet rated |
Categories: | none |
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