Digital Asset : 326435
P number: | P732279 |
Caption: | Carboniferous fossil plants. Plate LI. |
Description: |
Fig. 1. Rhacopteris dubia L. and H. sp. Portion of frond. Locality. Knowlsbury, Shropshire. H orizon. Westphalian Series. Natural size. The original specimen figured by LINDLEY and HUTTON. Collection of the British Museum, No. G.S. 5093A. Fig. la. Rhacopteris dubia L. and H. sp. Pinnule from specimen given at fig. 1; enlarged two times. Fig. 2. Rhacopteris Lindseceformis Bunbury sp. Pinnules from specimen figured on PI. XLIX, fig. 1, enlarged two tImes to show nervation. Fig. 3. Rhacopteris inaequilatera Goppert sp. Two pinnules from specimen figured on PI. L, fig. 2, enlarged two times to show nervation and crenate margin. Fig. 4. Rhacopteris transitionis Stur. Two pinnules from specimen figured on PI. L, fig. 1, enlarged two times to show the segmentation. Fig. 5. Rhacopteris robusta Kidston. Portion of frond. Locality. Shore about! mile N.N.E. of Kinghorn, Fife. Horizon. A short distance below Hurlet Limestone, Oil-Shale Group. Calciferous Sandstone Series. Natural size. Kidston Collection, No. 3060. Fig. 6. Rhacopteris robusta Kidston. Portions of two fronds. Same locality and horizon as last. Natural size. Kidston Collection, No. 3058. Fig. 7. Rhacopteris robusta Kidston. Pinnule enlarged two times to show the form of the segments. Same locality and horizon. Kidston Collection, No. 3061. |
Photographer: | Kidston, R. |
Copyright statement: | NERC |
Orientation: | Portrait |
Size: | 257.71 KB; 806 x 1000 pixels; 68 x 85 mm (print at 300 DPI); 213 x 265 mm (screen at 96 DPI); |
Average Rating: | Not yet rated |
Categories: | none |
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