P number: | P001704 |
Old photograph number: | B00167 |
Caption: | Cuillin Hills, Skye, Inverness-shire. Mountains composed of gabbro, looking up Loch Coruisk. Ice-smoothed surfaces. |
Description: | Cuillin Hills, Skye, Inverness-shire. Mountains composed of gabbro, looking up Loch Coruisk. Ice-smoothed surfaces. The Cuillin Hills are composed principally of layered gabbro, and minor ultrabasic rocks (mainly on Sgurr Dubh), formed by precipitation of crystals at the base of a magma chamber in the roots of a volcano. During the Pleistocene glaciations, the basin of Loch Coruisk was excavated by glaciers, and extends well below sea level. Ice movement left many striated rock platforms, e.g. that in the foreground. |
Date taken: | 01/01/1893 |
Photographer: | Lunn, R. |
Copyright statement: | Crown |
Acknowledgment: | This image was digitized with grant-in-aid from SCRAN the Scottish Cultural Resources Access Network |
X longitude/easting: | 148500 |
Y latitude/northing: | 820500 |
Coordinate reference system, ESPG code: | 27700 (OSGB 1936 / British National Grid) |
Orientation: | Landscape |
Size: | 156.38 KB; 1000 x 754 pixels; 85 x 64 mm (print at 300 DPI); 265 x 199 mm (screen at 96 DPI); |
Average Rating: | Not yet rated |
Categories: | Unsorted Images, Geoscience subjects/ General views/ Igneous rock country, Geoscience subjects/ Igneous features/ Bosses and laccoliths |
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