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P number: P221046
Old photograph number: D05416
Caption: F4 folds in Beinn Bheula Schist Formation, Inverugles, Dumbartonshire.
Description: F4 folds in Beinn Bheula Schist Formation at Inverugles, on a rocky promontory, 3,600 m. east-north-east of the Power Station. The Dalradian (Precambrian) rocks are more deformed and more semipelitic here than further south on the Loch Lomond section. Mainly upright F4 near symmetrical folds are dominant. They fold an earlier mainly S2 fabric which can be seen to lie close to bedding which is defined by a more massive unit near the top of the photograph (psammite unit). The Beinn Bheula Schist Formation is part of the Southern Highland Group of the Dalradian. In individual areas of study of the Dalradian separate identifiable episodes of deformation have been termed D1, D2, D3 etc. in order of decreasing age. D1 is the onset of deformation, D2 the peak deformation and metamorphism, D3 waning deformation and metamorphism, D4 late deformation. The Southern Highland Group is the topmost group of the Dalradian succession. It is composed of a c. 4 km. pile of coarse-grained turbiditic sedimentary and volcaniclastic rocks deposited in a rapidly deepening basin.
Date taken: 01/05/1995
Photographer: MacTaggart, F.I.
Copyright statement: NERC
X longitude/easting: 232400
Y latitude/northing: 709800
Coordinate reference system, ESPG code: 27700 (OSGB 1936 / British National Grid)
Orientation: Portrait
Size: 457.55 KB; 724 x 1001 pixels; 61 x 85 mm (print at 300 DPI); 192 x 265 mm (screen at 96 DPI);
Average Rating: Not yet rated
Categories: Unsorted Images  


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