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21/02/2009 00:48:25
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File Size:
424.08 KB
789 x 1000 pixels
694 views 4 downloads
P number: P220185
Old photograph number: D03900
Caption: W. bank of the Blackwater, just upstream from Ardwell Bridge.
Description: W. bank of the Blackwater, just upstream from Ardwell Bridge. Deformed Middle Dalradian basaltic pillow lavas. Vesicular metamorphosed pillow lavas of the Argyll Group (Middle Dalradian) possibly belonging to the Crinan or Tayvallich subgroups. Direction of younging is not readily seen. Note the schistose margins to the pillows.
Date taken: 01/12/1987
Photographer: Bain, T.S.
Copyright statement: NERC
X longitude/easting: 349800
Y latitude/northing: 843100
Coordinate reference system, ESPG code: 27700 (OSGB 1936 / British National Grid)
Orientation: Portrait
Size: 424.08 KB; 789 x 1000 pixels; 67 x 85 mm (print at 300 DPI); 209 x 265 mm (screen at 96 DPI);
Average Rating: Not yet rated
Categories: Unsorted Images  


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