P number: | P000952 |
Old photograph number: | D02795 |
Caption: | Oblique aerial view of Kincraig, Fifeshire. |
Description: | At the western end of Kincraig Hill three benches cut into the agglomerate at about 11.5, 22 and 24.5 metres O.D. are believed to mark short periods of stillstand during the withdrawal of the late-glacial sea. The view shows raised benches cut in relatively soft basaltic agglomerate of the Kincraig neck by the late-glacial sea. Inclined and folded sediments at left belong to the Limestone Coal Group (Carboniferous). |
Date taken: | 01/01/1979 |
Photographer: | Christie, A. |
Copyright statement: | NERC |
Acknowledgment: | This image was digitized with grant-in-aid from SCRAN the Scottish Cultural Resources Access Network |
X longitude/easting: | 346500 |
Y latitude/northing: | 699500 |
Coordinate reference system, ESPG code: | 27700 (OSGB 1936 / British National Grid) |
Orientation: | Landscape |
Size: | 303.32 KB; 1000 x 987 pixels; 85 x 84 mm (print at 300 DPI); 265 x 261 mm (screen at 96 DPI); |
Average Rating: | Not yet rated |
Categories: | Best of BGS Images/ Geological structures |
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