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13/02/2009 08:34:48
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324.28 KB
995 x 1000 pixels
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P number: P000826
Old photograph number: D02385
Caption: Oblique aerial view of Suilven showing the giant buttress of Caisteal Liath, the Lewisian-Torridonian unconformity and the inselberg nature of the mountain. Sutherland. Looking south-west.
Description: Oblique aerial view of Suilven showing the giant buttress of Caisteal Liath, the Lewisian-Torridonian unconformity and the inselberg nature of the mountain. Sutherland. Looking south-west. Suilven is a relict mountain of reddish-brown Torridonian sandstone with basal conglomerate resting unconformably on an irregular basement of rocky undulating Lewisian gneiss, showing an endless succession of ridges and low hills of bare rock with innumerable small lochs.
Date taken: 01/01/1975
Photographer: Christie, A.
Copyright statement: NERC
Acknowledgment: This image was digitized with grant-in-aid from SCRAN the Scottish Cultural Resources Access Network
X longitude/easting: 215500
Y latitude/northing: 918500
Coordinate reference system, ESPG code: 27700 (OSGB 1936 / British National Grid)
Orientation: Portrait
Size: 324.28 KB; 995 x 1000 pixels; 84 x 85 mm (print at 300 DPI); 263 x 265 mm (screen at 96 DPI);
Average Rating: Not yet rated
Categories: Best of BGS Images/ Landscapes, Geoscience subjects/ Structural features/ Unconformities and junction planes between beds of different age, Geoscience subjects/ Named locality  


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