P number: | P212250 |
Old photograph number: | A13074 |
Caption: | All Saints Church, Harbury, Warwickshire. |
Description: | This medieval church at Harbury is sited close to the junction between the strata of the Triassic and Jurassic systems and is principally constructed of stone from each system - Triassic, White Lias and Jurassic Blue Lias argillaceous limestones. Harbury Church is constructed mostly of local Blue Lias and White Lias stone, but also contains isolated slabs of Bromsgrove Sandstone and Enville Group Sandstone. The latter two, which outcrop at least six miles away to the north-west, were probably used to repair damaged blocks at a time when no local stone was being quarried. The limestones of the Lias Group span the junction between the Triassic and Jurassic systems. The thin blocky argillaceous limestones from this interval are widely used for building stone across their outcrop, which extends from Dorset to Yorkshire. |
Date taken: | 01/01/1978 |
Photographer: | Collins, R.E. |
Copyright statement: | NERC |
X longitude/easting: | 437400 |
Y latitude/northing: | 260000 |
Coordinate reference system, ESPG code: | 27700 (OSGB 1936 / British National Grid) |
Orientation: | Landscape |
Size: | 250.67 KB; 1000 x 783 pixels; 85 x 66 mm (print at 300 DPI); 265 x 207 mm (screen at 96 DPI); |
Average Rating: | Not yet rated |
Categories: | Unsorted Images, Geoscience subjects/ Economic geology/ Building stones |
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