P number: | P000597 |
Old photograph number: | D01493 |
Caption: | Dwarfie Stane, north-west Hoy, Orkney. The Dwarfie Stane is a neolithic burial chamber hollowed out from a solid block of cross-bedded Hoy Sandstone (Upper Old Red Sandstone). |
Description: | Dwarfie Stane, north-west Hoy, Orkney. The Dwarfie Stane is a neolithic burial chamber hollowed out from a solid block of cross-bedded Hoy Sandstone (Upper Old Red Sandstone). It is thought that the Dwarfie Stane is derived from cliffs on the downthrow side of the Bring Fault where massive beds of yellow or more rarely red sandstones of the Hoy Sandstone are found (the escarpment in the background). |
Date taken: | 01/01/1974 |
Photographer: | Christie, A. |
Copyright statement: | NERC |
Acknowledgment: | This image was digitized with grant-in-aid from SCRAN the Scottish Cultural Resources Access Network |
X longitude/easting: | 324400 |
Y latitude/northing: | 1000400 |
Coordinate reference system, ESPG code: | 27700 (OSGB 1936 / British National Grid) |
Orientation: | Landscape |
Size: | 295.67 KB; 1000 x 803 pixels; 85 x 68 mm (print at 300 DPI); 265 x 212 mm (screen at 96 DPI); |
Average Rating: | Not yet rated |
Categories: | Best of BGS Images/ Geological structures, Geoscience subjects/ Archaeology and early history |
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