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Uploaded on:
17/02/2009 10:10:19
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File Size:
209.47 KB
1001 x 724 pixels
208 views 4 downloads
P number: P200489
Old photograph number: A00495
Caption: Kenton Marsh SW of Bowithick, Altarnun. Looking NNW.
Description: Kenton Marsh SW of Bowithick, Altarnun. Looking NNW. Flat based hollow on marsh. Eroded in the granite of Bodmin Moor. These flat based, peat covered hollows, marshes, cut in the Bodmin Moor granite are a feature of the country. They are very broad in proportion to the size of the stream flowing through them, the reason is the granite is more or less kaolinised and is easily washed away.
Date taken: 01/01/1907
Photographer: Hall, T.C.
Copyright statement: Crown
X longitude/easting: 216500
Y latitude/northing: 81500
Coordinate reference system, ESPG code: 27700 (OSGB 1936 / British National Grid)
Orientation: Landscape
Size: 209.47 KB; 1001 x 724 pixels; 85 x 61 mm (print at 300 DPI); 265 x 192 mm (screen at 96 DPI);
Average Rating: Not yet rated
Categories: Unsorted Images  


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