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19/03/2009 05:18:34
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P number: P576162
Caption: Marble specimen. Black, Derbyshire. Ashford Dale Quarries, Derbyshire.
Description: Label name: Black, Derbyshire. Alternative name: Derby Black. Specimen description: Black containing small gry fossil fragments. Text from: Watson, J. British and foreign marbles and other ornamental stones. Cambridge : University Press, 1916. 7 DERBY BLACK. Ashford Dale quarries, Ashford, Derbyshire. This specimen represents a black marble, belonging to the Carboniferous Limestone series of Derbyshire, and found in limited quantities near Ashford, Bakewell, and Wirksworth. The deposits of this variety of marble are seldom more than ten inches thick, and they frequently thin down to less than half that thickness. As the specimen indicates, this marble is very compact, and admits of a high polish. Although it is expensive, nevertheless it is popular, and is preferred by many sculptors and marble workers to the Black Marbles of Ireland and Belgium.
Date taken: 01/01/2004
Photographer: McIntyre, B.M.
Copyright statement: NERC
Additional information: The marble is from the Walter Brown Collection, Scottish Mineral and Lapidary Club.
Orientation: Square
Size: 204.07 KB; 1000 x 1000 pixels; 85 x 85 mm (print at 300 DPI); 265 x 265 mm (screen at 96 DPI);
Average Rating: Not yet rated
Categories: Unsorted Images  


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