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P number: P576086
Caption: Marble specimen. Emperor Red, Portugal. Pedra Furada Quarries, Pero Pinheiro, Estremadura.
Description: Label name: Emperor Red, Portugal. Alternative name: Encarnado. Specimen description: Red with pink/white markings and small fossil fragments. Text from: Watson, J. British and foreign marbles and other ornamental stones. Cambridge : University Press, 1916. 388 ENCARNADO (Emperor's Red). Pedra Furada Quarries, Pero Pinheiro, Estremadura. This is a red marble varied with streaks of dale pink and white, and faint outlines of small fossils may also be seen. In the British Isles this variety of Portuguese Marble is known commercially as Emperor's Red. It is not only in constant demand in Lisbon and other cities of Portugal for decorative purposes, but it is freely exported to England and other countries for similar work. Good examples of its use may be seen in St Roque's Church, Lisbon, and in the Municipal Hall, the internal decorations of both buildings being largely composed of it.
Emperor's Red is frequently used for ecclesiastical work in England. It appears in the Opus Alexandrinum pavement in the chancel of Bristol Cathedral (1895), and there are other examples in the chancel pavement of Truro Cathedral (1886), and in that of Peterborough (1895). It may be seen in many of the public buildings and hotels in London; for instance, in the Norfolk Hotel, and in the Drapers' Hall, built in 1898, where the handrails of the staircase and some of the door casings are composed of it.
It may interest the Cambridge student to hear that it was intended by Sir Gilbert Scott, the architect of St John's College Chapel, that the Communion-table slab in the chapel should be composed of Portuguese Emperor's Red Marble. It is stated that Sir Gilbert arranged with a marble merchant for the supply, but it was found afterwards that a block of Belgian Rouge Royal Marble (see No. 158 Watson J. British and foreign marbles. 1916.) had been furnished instead.
Date taken: 01/01/2004
Photographer: McIntyre, B.M.
Copyright statement: NERC
Additional information: The marble is from the Walter Brown Collection, Scottish Mineral and Lapidary Club.
Orientation: Square
Size: 197.69 KB; 1000 x 1000 pixels; 85 x 85 mm (print at 300 DPI); 265 x 265 mm (screen at 96 DPI);
Average Rating: Not yet rated
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