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18/03/2009 11:06:32
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1000 x 750 pixels
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P number: P552709
Caption: Calmy Limestone. Quarry at Benston Limeworks, 3 miles north-west of New Cumnock. Ayr.
Description: Dull greenish-grey, very compact limestone. Composed of an intimate mixture of minutely granular calcite and recrystallized granular calcite (0.02 - 0.03 mm grain-size). Interstitial material, turbid brown in transmitted light but dirty white in reflected light, is abundant and is perhaps clay; the chemical analysis indicates that much of it must be silica of clay grade. Small crinoid columnals and shell fragments are sporadic and there are a few small grains of quartz. The rock is traversed by thin calcite-filled cracks. Limestone, luteous, micrograined, microclastizoichnic. SL0092. Britrocks S34558. Magnification x40. Light XPL.
Date taken: 21/01/2004
Photographer: Sutherland, A.
Copyright statement: NERC
Additional information: Description from: Limestones of Scotland: chemical analyses and petrography. Edinburgh : HMSO, 1956. Duplicate of P1010338 : Can be discarded.
Orientation: Landscape
Size: 252.53 KB; 1000 x 750 pixels; 85 x 64 mm (print at 300 DPI); 265 x 198 mm (screen at 96 DPI);
Average Rating: Not yet rated
Categories: Unsorted Images  


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