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17/03/2009 20:33:06
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P number: P519751
Caption: Eday sandstone, Ferness Quarry, south-west shore of Ferness Bay, Eday, Orkney Islands, Scotland
Description: The sample is a fine to medium-grained sandstone with a strong pinkish-orange colour. It is thinly laminated with parallel sedimentary beds of slightly varying composition. The specimen is of Devonian age. British Geological Survey Petrology Collection sample number MC 4167. The red and yellow sandstone of the Eday Beds have been extensively used as a building stone suitable for decorative work. The Ferness Quarry in the Lower Eday Sandstone produced a fine-grained yellow-coloured freestone which has been employed for the construction of many buildings in Kirkwall on Orkney. The quarries from which the stone used for the building of St. Magnus Cathedral was obtained were probably sited on the Head of Holland, 4 km. east-north-east of Kirkwall. Much of the Upper Old Red Sandstone rocks of Hoy are capable of being used as a building stone, but have been used only locally.
Date taken: 01/01/2003
Photographer: Bain, T.S.
Copyright statement: NERC
Orientation: Landscape
Size: 212.07 KB; 1000 x 940 pixels; 85 x 80 mm (print at 300 DPI); 265 x 249 mm (screen at 96 DPI);
Average Rating: Not yet rated
Categories: Unsorted Images  


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