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16/03/2009 11:04:12
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145.53 KB
1000 x 665 pixels
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P number: P527722
Caption: Upper Cannel or Big Gas Coal from the Afton No. 1 Pit, New Cumnock, Ayrshire.
Description: The New Cumnock coal basin contains two well-known cannel coals, known as the Lanemark and the Boig or as the Upper and Lower Gas coal, though other names do exist. British Geological Survey Petrology Collection sample number MC 7499. A typical cannel coal burns with a long smoky flame like a candle from which the name is said to originate. In burning it produces a crackling or chattering noise caused by a rich volatile content hence the term 'parrot'. Cannel coals contain 25 to 45 per cent fixed carbon and 45 to 70 per cent volatile matter. Ash content is always high. Typical cannel coals are massive with a satiny lustre, marked conchoidal fracture and do not soil the hands. Scottish cannel coals rarely exceed two feet in thickness.
Date taken: 25/06/1905
Photographer: Unknown
Copyright statement: Unknown
Orientation: Landscape
Size: 145.53 KB; 1000 x 665 pixels; 85 x 56 mm (print at 300 DPI); 265 x 176 mm (screen at 96 DPI);
Average Rating: Not yet rated
Categories: Unsorted Images  


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