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2009-03-14 01:40:55.0
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392.87 KB
1000 x 667 pixels
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P number: P526977
Caption: Photomicrograph of sandstone from Darney Quarry, West Woodburn, Northumberland, England
Description: The image is part of a thin section taken using a relatively low-power lens in order to show the grain structure and texture of the sandstone. The specimen is of Carboniferous age. British Geological Survey Petrology Collection sample number MC 7331. The sandstone is dominated by grains of clear quartz and feldspar, with darker brown coloured iron oxides throughout. Porosity is highlighted by the presence of blue dyed resin in the thin section. Darney stone is from the Lower Limestone group of the Carboniferous period. It is finer-grained and paler in colour compared to Blaxter stone which is quarried only a few miles away. Quarrying at Darney stopped in 1984, but the quarry has been reopened and is periodically worked. It was a popular stone in Edinburgh before the Second World War, used in the High Court of Justiciary in Bank Street in 1934-37, where it is a uniform buff-coloured stone which has been polished and rusticated to balcony level. It was also used at the Royal Bank of Scotland (formerly the National Bank of Scotland) at No. 42 St. Andrew Square in 1936, in conjunction with a grey Rubislaw (Aberdeen) granite base.
Date taken: Sun Jun 25 00:00:00 GMT 1905
Photographer: Unknown
Copyright statement: Unknown
Orientation: Landscape
Size: 392.87 KB; 1000 x 667 pixels; 85 x 56 mm (print at 300 DPI); 265 x 176 mm (screen at 96 DPI);
Average Rating: Not yet rated
Categories: Unsorted Images  


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