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2009-03-17 00:56:17.0
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1000 x 665 pixels
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P number: P527777
Caption: Nullipore sands from Craig, Plockton, Invernessshire.
Description: Nullipore or coralline sand from Craig, two miles east of Plockton, near Kyle of Lochalsh. In certain areas the calcareous alga Lithothamnion calcarreum flourishes in great abundance and broken fragments of the thallus form dazzling, creamy-white beaches which are composed almost exclusively of this material. British Geological Survey Petrology Collection sample number MC 7553. Lithothamnion calcarreum lives in the upper and lower sub-littoral zone. In places they have been dug for agricultural lime. Colonies have been found elsewhere in Scotland, especially on Skye near Dunvegan, particularly from three bays the largest of which is Camus Ban north of Rubha na Gairbhe.
Date taken: Sun Jun 25 00:00:00 GMT 1905
Photographer: Unknown
Copyright statement: Unknown
Orientation: Landscape
Size: 301.91 KB; 1000 x 665 pixels; 85 x 56 mm (print at 300 DPI); 265 x 176 mm (screen at 96 DPI);
Average Rating: Not yet rated
Categories: Best of BGS Images/ Fossils  


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